08.06.15 - Slayer Belt – RuneLabs Update

Tänne kantautuvat nopeasti uutiset RuneScapen kehityksestä.

Valvojat: Uutistoimittajat, Uutisvastaavat

Tool beltin päivitykset ovat

Aivan mahtavat. Kyllä on odotettu!
Hyvät, mutta hieman harmittaa, että ei ole/menetin 2k slayer pisteitä.
Huonot. En käytä koko beltiä >:o
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08.06.15 - Slayer Belt – RuneLabs Update

ViestiKirjoittaja possu 67 » 10.06.2015, 18:25

08.06.15 - Slayer Belt – RuneLabs Update

Ole valmis jokaiseen kohtaamiseen slayer beltin avulla - yksi ensimmäisistä RuneLabsista valituista ideoista.

Dragonsseedin ehdottamana, slayer beltia on laajennettu entisestään. Uudet paikat on varattu slayer-varusteille - kuten rock hammerille, fungicidelle ja Ouroboros pouchille - joten sinulla tulee aina olemaan oikeat välineet monsterien tappamiseen.

Ennen esineet, joissa oli chargeja tai jotka käytettiin kerran, saavat loputtomat käyttökerrat, kun ne on lisätty tool beltiin - sinun ei enää koskaan tarvitse miettiä niiden loppumista!

Voit myös ostaa tilat bonecrusherille, charming impille, seedicidelle ja herbicidelle slayer pisteillä ja näin säästäen vieläkin enemmän inventoryn tilaa.


What's on the Belt?

Seuraavat esineet voi nyt laittaa tool beltiin suoraan:

  • Rock hammer
  • Slayer bell
  • Crystal chime (kumpi tahansa versio)
  • Ouroboros pouch (loputon, lisättyäsi sen)

Huomaa, että slayer itemit, jotka sinun on puettava päällesi, ei voida lisätä tool beltiin.

Myös uusia esineitä on saatavilla, jotka toimivat käytössä tuhoutuvat slayer itemit. Voit lisätä ne tool beltiin ja käyttää niitä loputtomasti ilman täyttämisen tarvetta:

  • Salt bag: osta salt shaker miltä tahansa slayer masterilta.
  • Icy water: osta icy water miltä tahansa slayer masterilta.
  • Fungicide: osta fungicide shaker miltä tahansa slayer masterilta.
  • Fishing explosive: osta explosive shaker miltä tahansa slayer masterilta.
  • Super fishing explosive: osta super explosive flask miltä tahansa slayer masterilta, jonka jälkeen täytä se 100 rubium orella.

Monsterit, jotka on tapettava slayer itemeillä, omaavat nyt on-click optionin sitä varten. Tämä toimii riippumatta siitä onko sinulla tarvittavat esineet repussa vai tool beltissä.

500 slayer pistettä vastaan voit avata seuraavat paikat slayer beltissä:

  • Bonecrusher
  • Charming imp
  • Seedicide
  • Herbicide


Check in at RuneLabs!

Jos et ole vieraillut RuneLabsissa hetkeen, nyt on korkea aika siihen.

Tässä kuussa etsimme korkeatasoista mobia, joka on mahdollisuus antaa mielikuvituksesi juosta vapaana. Ei väliä minkälaisia törkeitä, eksottisia tai kauhistuttavia monstereita keksit, haluamme kuulla ne kaikki!

Voit alkaa nauttia virtaviivaisemmista slayer assignmenteistä ja tarkkailla seuraavaa, ensi viikon, RuneLabs päivitystä - adamant ja rune dragoneita!


Solomon's Store – Challenge Gems

Challenge gemit ovat hyödyllisiä työvälineitä kilpailujen järjestämiseen ja ne ovat nyt saatavilla Solomon's Storesta.

Voit asettaa omat ehdot kilpailullesi - skilling tai combat, staked tai vai huvin vuoksi, aikarajoja, level-haarukoita ja muita vaatimuksia - jonka jälkeen asetat gemin maahan.

Kilpailijat voivat ottaa osaa gemin kautta - jonka jälkeen kilpailu alkaa!

Hanki challenge gemejä tänään! Jos tarvitset enemmän RuneCoinseja, voit ostaa niitä Bondeilla pelissä tai nettisivuiltamme.

Challenge gemit ovat myös vaihdettavia: pelaajalta pelaajalle tai Grand Exchangessa.


This Week's Streams

Tällä viikolla voit katsoa adamant ja rune dragoneita Dev Q&A:ssa, ja pidämme myös palkinnoilla höystetyn aarrejahdin Community Streamissa!

Developer Q&A, plus Ninja Fixes - 19:00 Suomen aikaa, 09.06.

Tämän viikon Q&A keskittyy yhteen kesän suurista päivityksistä - RuneLabsissa voittaneet adamant ja rune dragonit! Annamme teille pienen vilkauksen siitä, mitä voitte odottaa ja vastaamme kysymyksiinne.

Tämän viikon paneeliin kuuluu:

  • Mod Pi - Combat Specialist ja Ninja
  • Mod Kelpie - RuneScape Project Manager ja Head Ninja
  • Mod Stu - Content Developer ja lore specialist "Guardians" development teamista.

Voit kysyä kysymyksiä forumeilla, Redditissä tai Twitterissä käyttämällä hastagia #RSDevQA. Käymme läpi niin monta kuin ehdimme!

Clue Scroll Treasure Hunt (palkinnoin!) - 23:00 Suomen aikaa, 09.06.

Kaikki rakastavat aarteenmetsästystä ja tällä viikolla Mod James vie teidät tutkimusmatkalle - käyttäen vihjeitä, joita et ole ennen nähnyt! Tarvitset kaiken ällisi, mutta voit myös voittaa mahtavia palkintoja!

Katso molemmat streamit Twitch kanavaltamme.



Toivotamme mukavaa viikkoa, taistelkaa Tuskaa vastaan ja kertokaa mielipiteenne foorumeilla.

The RuneScape Team


Muita uutisia...

  • Wizard Chambers on tallentanut Tuskan törmäystä edeltävän ajan tapahtumia. Lue hänen kirjoituksensa forumeilta.

The following fixes and tweaks have now been implemented. If you believe a change has not been documented, either in the patch notes or the news posts for this week’s update, please detail the change so that it may be added.

As always, be sure to submit a bug report should you encounter a gameplay bug or graphical glitch in-game.


Prototype colossi no longer stretch during attack animations while overriding combat familiars.

A graphical issue with the gargoyle statues at the front of the Morytania Slayer Tower has been fixed.

Dimension of Disaster cultist robe overrides no longer affect skin colour.

A clipping issue with the combatant's cape has been fixed.

A graphical issue with the female botanist headpiece has been fixed.

Players can no longer walk through the spears sticking out of the floor at the entrance to the Wilderness Bandit Camp.

A visual effect has been added to Tuska's tooth, making the area to climb more visible.

A visual effect now leads players from Tuska's back to the floating island used to start the event.

As a result of feedback, we have changed Saradomin's character model in the Dishonour among Thieves flashback sequence to match other Third-Age models.

Skills, D&Ds & Minigames:

Correct requirements are now displayed on the Make-X interface for the body gloves and body boots from Elemental Workshop.

Voyage duration now updates correctly when switching between ships on the Voyage List interface for Player-Owned Ports.

It is no longer possible to cast Alchemy spells or craft protean hides while balancing on a Hefin serenity post.

A 'water' option has been added to the dry patch in Miscellania, allowing entry to the patch after storing a magic watering can in the tool belt.

The Mining and Defence skill guides have been updated, correcting and including certain entries.

Player-Owned Ports magic and melee weapons can now be repaired by using the relevant crafting components on them.

Demon Flash Mobs have been added to the Minigames tab.

The Wilderness Warbands herblore supplies object is no longer too small in the inventory.

Gallileather shield is now listed correctly in the Crafting skill guide.

An issue that meant it was not possible to receive a Scavenging Meerkats card from the Gorajo hoardstalker has been fixed.

The increased XP effect granted by the portable well will no longer work if you move too far away.

It is now possible to water the vine flower patch at Herblore Habitat.

Token XP intended for failed attempts at chopping evil trees with skillchompas is no longer awarded while using regular tools.

Quests, Challenges and Achievements:

The Quest Point cape has been graphically updated. The option to toggle it to the old version - as well as attach a hood to either version - is available from the Wise Old Man.

The location of the HAM dungeon stated within the One Small Favor quest journal has been corrected.

Pets no longer replace the phoenix when starting the Firemaker's Curse quest.


It is no longer possible to retain animations from the Tuska World Event when teleporting away.

Players can no longer become stuck when jumping from a spine on Tuska's back while in Legacy combat mode.

A typo in the examine text for the Tuska islands' fallen meteors has been corrected.

The Telekinetic Grab spell can no longer be used in space.

A typo has been fixed in the World Event Community interface.

The World Event contribution cap has been increased.

Stabbing Tuska will now reset your gathering limit on Tuska's back.

Torva, Pernix and Virtus armour no longer show offensive combat stats as a requirement in the skill guide.

Tetsu, Seasinger's, Death Lotus armour, Reefwalker's cape and Leviathan ring no longer show Constitution as a requirement in the skill guide.

The ring of death heal splat now shows the correct value in Legacy mode.

You will now be able to purchase and reclaim the physical versions of the Loyalty Point outfits from Xuan again.

You can now check how many kills are required to unlocked the attuned versions of your boss outfits.

A typo in a message displayed when investigating the new mysterious relic has been fixed.

Applying weapon poison no longer displays the message that you drank it.

The RuneScape Road Trip journal no longer lists JMod locations, as the event has now ended.

The broken bridge jump in the God Wars dungeon will now correctly check for level 70 Constitution.

All Grand Exchange clerks in Prifddinas now offer a teleport to Varrock's Grand Exchange.

An incorrect warning message is no longer displayed when attempting to water limpwurt plants in the Wilderness.

An issue where certain fishing sound effects stopped working has been fixed.

A blank line that appeared on remaining requirements when attempting to equip a Completionist cape with only one remaining music track has been removed.

A typo in the examine text of the super melee potion (5) has been fixed.

A number of spelling errors throughout the game have been fixed.

Fishing outfits set to consume will no longer eat big fish intended to be made into trophies.

The cosmic foresight meteor landing text is now clearer.

The cash-out value of the following items has been reduced:

Lucky helm of subjugation to 100k.

Lucky Armadyl helmet to 250k.

Lucky Bandos helmet to 250k.

A typo in Wizard Chambers's dialogue has been fixed.

The Hope Devourer now uses his attacks to drain prayer correctly.

An issue where there were no tool tips on the "items kept on death" UI if the mouse-over text option was disabled has been fixed.

Karil's weapon and armour pieces no longer have a Grand Exchange buy restriction of 1. This has been changed to 10 to match all of the other parts of Barrows equipment.

The following can now be added as a Keepsake: tome of frost, Seren symbol, holy water/holy vial, Yaktwee Stick, enhanced Yaktwee Stick, nature staff, and law staff.

Missing punctuation has been added to the examine info for all Penance pets.

It is no longer possible to wear the trimmed completionist cape without having completed the final court case.

World Eater armour pieces now change tiers respectively when switching to a free-to-play world.

Ninja Fixes:

Spells no longer provide base casting XP when used in PvP situations with PvP XP blocking enabled. This includes binds, buffs, de-buffs and some Lunar spells.

The Phoenix's pyre's left-click option is now 'Craft' before the player has finished building the pyre, rather than always having the 'Light' option.

The Adventures interface no longer loses focus on the Beasts tab when reopened in the same session.

Dungeoneering anti-dragon shields have been changed to hybrid class.

Talisman staves from the Runecrafting Guild are now magic weapons.

Leprechaun magic earned by participating in the Evil Tree D&D auto-banks more types of logs.

The length of the Grand Exchange transaction history has been doubled.

Players will no longer be matched to Grouping System groups that have any offline players. New players will generate a new group and join that instead.

Players in the Grouping System will be informed when a player they are grouped with goes offline.

The group leader will be informed that no more players will be added to the group when a group member goes offline.

The group leader will be informed when all group members are back online.

Players can no longer hop to instance-shard worlds using the Grouping System.

The 'Random Group' button has been removed from the Grouping System interface, as its function was misleading.

Error messages on World Event group sessions now give players more guidance.

Players will no longer be force-teleported while setting their Grouping System status to 'playing' if they are already in the starting area. This applies for the Tuska World Event and Dungeoneering groups.

Bosses defeated in Champion's Challenge can now be reset with a D&D Token (Weekly).
possu 67
Vanhempi kartoittaja
Viestit: 2209
Liittynyt: 16.07.2008, 10:42
Klaani: Runepoli

Paluu Uutistoimisto


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