09.10.17 - Free to Play Content Additions & NovtumberFest

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09.10.17 - Free to Play Content Additions & NovtumberFest

ViestiKirjoittaja possu 67 » 09.10.2017, 14:53

09.10.17 - Free to Play Content Additions & NovtumberFest


Tällä viikolla tuomme saavillisen päivityksiä uusille pelaajille, kuten Fletchins, questeja, armoureja ja paljon muuta (lueteltu alla). Voit myös ottaa osaa uuteen eventiin.


Kultaiset lehdet putoivelat siellä missä rantajuhlat kerran raikasivat. Lumbridgen asukkaat ovat ottaneet hanskat ja huivit esiin seuraavaa vilpoisaa syyskautta varten. Onneksi mikään määrä kosteutta ja tuulta ei voi lannistaa heidän tunnelmaansa. He ovat valmiina uuteen juhlaan - vuorossa NovtumberFest!

Vaahtoisia tuoppeja ja paljon hurmaavia lederhoseneita ympäriinsä seuraavan neljän viikon ajan. Voit kehittää useita eri skillejä - slayerista prayeriin, farmingista summoningiin - ilman maksuja ja XP capia.

Oletko enemmän vaeltava yksinäinen susi? Pidä silmät auki Guntherin kärryn varalta, joka joutuu onnettomuuteen kolmen tunnin välein F2P alueilla. Seikkailija, joka häntä auttaa saa paljon XP:tä!

Palkintoja? Totta kai luvassa on palkintoja! Sen lisäksi, että voi kehittää skillejäsi kavereidesi kanssa, voit saada useita NovtumberFest-teemaisia lemmikkejä, animaatioita, outfitteja, gearia ja "Party Animal" tittelin kaikille niille, jotka antavat kaikkensa - myös F2P pelaajille.


Free to Play Content Additions

Jep, luit oikein. Muutamme rekkalastillisen sisältöä ilmaispelaajien pelattavaksi. Koska, toisin kuin jättipakkaukset suklaata, RuneScape on parempi jaettuna.

Turha vatvoa. Tässä lista, joka on nyt kaikkien pelattavissa:


  • A Soul's Bane
  • Priest in Peril
  • Gertrude's Cat
  • Missing, Presumed Death
  • Perils of Ice Mountain, ja kyky tehdä pickaxeja
  • Song from the Depths ja grotworm cavernin ensimmäinen kerros
  • Broken Home ja questin jälkeinen sisältö (asylum surgeon's ring on edelleen members-only sisältöä); tämän myötä pelaajat pääsevät tutkimaan Morytaniaa ja Dig Sitea Silvarealla.

Skills and abilities

  • Fletching
  • Kaikki combat abilityt (paitsi Metamorphosis, Berserk ja abilityt, jotka saa members-only sisällöstä)

Weapons and armour

  • Off-hand weapons
  • Coifs
  • Studded leather armour
  • Hard leather chaps
  • Hard leather cowl
  • Spider silk shield
  • Carapace shield
  • Wizard armour, mukaan lukien boots ja shield


  • Shooting Star D&D
  • Evil Tree D&D
  • Pääsy Warrior's Guildiin (ja rune defendereihin!)

Tämä on kuitenkin vain tiivistelmä muutoksista. Täyden listan löydät patch noteista. Nyt kun se on sanottu: jos sul lysti on ja tiedät sen, niin anna Ninja teamille vähän rakkautta!

*antaa rakkautta*

Patch Notes

Ninja Fixes (F2P extravangaza!)

Ninja skill-related fixes:

Green, blue, red, black and royal dragonhide boots have been added, available in a similar manner to the corresponding vambraces.
Basilisk, turoth and kurask boots are now power armour instead of tank armour, to differentiate them from dragonhide boots.
Added hard leather cowls and chaps to complete the hard leather set of armour.
Conversation options on sawmill operators have been rewritten to loop back to the start of chat.
Limestone bricks have been added to the Crafting skill guide.
Studded leather can now be found in the leather crafting category.
The soft leather and hard leather set are now sold by the gnome shopkeeper in Burthorpe, Lowe's Archery Emporium in Varrock, and the Ranging Guild. The latter two also sell the studded leather set.
Added a Carapace shield to fill out the Carapace armour set.
Added a Spider silk shield to fill out the Spider silk armour set.
A black strip of cloth (crafted from balls of black wool) has been added.
Black wool and balls of black wool no longer destroy on drop.
Sheared sheep now take drastically less time to regrow their wool.
The sheep in south-east Taverley no longer wander outside of their pen.
A herd of black sheep have assembled between the Dark Wizards' Tower and the Makeover Mage's house.
Strips of cloth now require 2 balls of wool instead of 4.
Wizard armour (and the wizard wand and book) can now be crafted from strips of cloth.
Black wizard armour can now be crafted from strips of black cloth.
Level 1 wizard boots have been added to complete the wizard armour set (and added to the same drop tables as wizard gloves). The level 20 Wizard boots from Treasure Trails have been renamed to "Wizard boots (t)" to distinguish them.
Black wizard gloves and boots have been added to complete the black wizard armour set.
Wizard (and black wizard) shields have been added. They can be crafted by F2P.
The wizard, black wizard and imp hide magic armour set are now sold by the gnome shopkeeper in Burthorpe, Zaff's Superior Spellcasting in Varrock, and Betty in Port Sarim. The latter two also sell the spider silk set.
Shields in the Defence skill guide have been moved into a Shields sub-category.
Sten's cutscene that shows how to make Artisan's Workshop tracks and burial armour now correctly fades in from black.
Players may now speak to Suak in the Artisan's Workshop to find out how many burial armour are still needed by Doric.
Mystic cloth has been added to the drop table of regular and elite Ankous, the Giant Mole, the King Black Dragon and the Chaos Elemental.
Mystic armour has been added to the Crafting skill guide.
Blue mystic armour on drop tables has been replaced with an equivalent amount of certed mystic cloth.
Ninja D&D & Minigame fixes:

The games necklace now has a teleport to Agoroth (requires completion of the 'A Shadow over Ashdale' quest).
A filtered message has been added when defeating animated armour in the Warriors' Guild, to display the points added to the currency pouch.
Ninja Quest fixes:

The anger mace from 'A Soul's Bane' is now wielded and named as a two-handed maul and the anger axe has also been made two-handed, to better suit the model.
Cosmetic overrides for the anger sword, anger battleaxe, anger maul and anger spear can now be unlocked by completing the 'A Soul's Bane' quest.
The skill checks in Perils of Ice Mountain are no longer boostable.
The member skill level requirements for Perils of Ice Mountain have been reduced from 10/11 to 5 to accommodate the member skill cap for free players.
The XP reward for completing Perils of Ice Mountain is now awarded in the form of a lamp.
A quest accept screen has been added to the Perils of Ice Mountain.
Only the crate containing Fluffs' kittens will now jiggle instead of all of them, and only after feeding Fluffs during Gertrude's Cat.
A list of recommended quests to fully understand the characters and backstory of Missing, Presumed Death have been added to the quest's accept screen.
The Death Plateau quest information no longer states needing a pickaxe, since all players now start with a bronze pickaxe on the toolbelt.
Ninja Fletching fixes:

Fletching is now a F2P skill!
Free players can now fletch equipment with wield requirements up to level 50:
Bronze, blurite, iron, steel, silver, mithril, adamant and rune crossbows, arrows, darts and bolts (including up to diamond bolts)
Normal, oak, willow, maple, teak, yew and magic shortbows and shieldbows, and up to bovistrangler in Daemonheim, except where locked behind members content and outside the F2P area, such as smithing dart tips requiring the Tourist Trap quest.
F2P can now pick and spin flax into bowstrings.
F2P can now spin sinew into crossbow strings.
F2P can now cut gems from opal to diamond.
F2P can now craft mithril grapples.
Teak logs, mahogany logs and magic logs are now F2P objects. However, some trees can still only be found in P2P areas.
Green dragonhide, green dragon leather, blue dragonhide and blue dragon leather are now F2P objects.
The smuggler in Dungeoneering can now sell bowstrings to free players.
The Fletching pet, Flo, can now be acquired on free worlds.
The special effects of the Woodcutting outfit (to burn logs for Firemaking XP and fletch logs for Fletching XP) now work on free worlds.
As evil trees have become F2P, the Woodcutting outfit can now teleport to (but not spawn) evil trees on F2P worlds.
Dungeoneering equipment up to and including T50 (Zephyrium, Bovistrangler, Spinoleather, Duskweed, Empowered Water staff) is now equippable and craftable by F2P.
Dungeoneering T60 equipment (Argonite, Thigat, Gallileather, Soulbell, Empowered Earth staff) isn't craftable by free players but is equippable and potentially available through drops.
The Icy Bones dungeoneering boss can now drop throwing knives for free players.
Ninja Wilderness fixes:

Blue dragons have been added to the Wilderness north of the Forgotten Cemetery, to provide a source of blue dragon hide for free players.
Red dragons now drop between 1-8 rune darts, instead of a guaranteed 8.
The deep wilderness is now accessible to F2P.
The deep wilderness dungeon (accessed south of the Pirates' Hideout) is now accessible to F2P.
The south-east corner of the Wilderness (west of the Morytania Slayer Tower and north of Silvarea) is now a free area.
The Mage Arena cave (accessed from a lever north-west of the Mage Arena) is now accessible to free players.
Gundai the banker and Lundail the rune seller are now visible on free worlds in the Mage Arena cave. Kolodion is not visible.
The lever in the Deserted Keep now teleports free players to Edgeville instead of being only usable by members. Members using the lever are still teleported to east Ardougne.
The Edgeville lever that teleports to high-risk Wilderness is no longer blocked on F2P worlds.
Green dragons are now available for free players.
William and Ian in the Wilderness can not access free player banks.
Red dragon isle is now accessible to F2P.
Red dragonhide is now accessible to F2P via red dragons. It still cannot be tanned, crafted into leather or equipped on free worlds.
Blue dragons in the Wilderness drop lobsters on free worlds instead of dropping the bass.
The Chaos Elemental is now accessible to F2P, with a F2P-specific drop table.
The boss pets for the Chaos Elemental, Giant Mole and King Black Dragon can now drop on free worlds. The KBD boss pet still has a 99 Summoning requirement to unlock however.
The Last Riders book now drops from the King Black Dragon on free worlds.
Achievements for the Chaos Elemental, Giant Mole and King Black Dragon no longer display a member requirement.
Ninja F2P fixes:

The following quests are now all available to free players:
The Perils of Ice Mountain
Gertrude's Cat
Priest in Peril
A Soul's Bane
Missing, Presumed Death
Song from the Depths
Broken Home (not including the Asylum Surgeon's ring reward)
Remora's necklace, the coral crossbow and coral bolts, and the first level of the grotworm lair and the royal cape dropped by young grotworms are now all F2P.
Kittens (from the Gertrude's Cat quest) are now F2P. They can grow into cats, become overgrown, and can even become a purple cat by completing Swept Away.
F2P can now complete the Varrock achievements to choose the colour of their kitten, and kill 100 rats to obtain a cat training medal from Gertrude.
Swept Away's post-quest content (excluding the Sorceress' Garden and members area rewards) are now available to F2P.
The first four tasks from Doric and Boric after the What's Mine Is Yours are now available to free players.
The Shooting Star and Evil Tree D&Ds are now available to F2P.
The Warriors' Guild in Burthorpe is now available to F2P.
The area south of Paterdomus and north of the Duel Arena is now available to F2P.
The members fence east of Varrock has been removed to allow F2P access to Silvarea (the area east of the Lumber Yard up to and including Paterdomus). The eastern border of the F2P area is now defined by the River Salve.
The barrier east of the Mage Training Arena has been removed.
The fence and blocking between the Mage Training Arena and the Exam Centre has been removed.
F2P can now enchant, wear and trade sapphire jewellery (ring of recoil, games necklace (excluding teleports to members areas), and bracelet of clay, in addition to the amulet of magic).
F2P can now pay a sawmill operator to convert regular logs into planks.
Coifs can now be crafted by F2P, and have been renamed to Studded leather coif. They are crafted by adding studs to a leather cowl, as they're tiered as the head armour of the studded leather set.
F2P can now smith bronze, iron, steel, mithril, adamant and rune pickaxes after completing The Perils of Ice Mountain.
Free players can now smith all Blurite items following the Knight's Sword quest.
Free players can now smith crossbow limbs up to runite.
F2P can now craft T50 mystic armour from mystic cloth.
Limestone, crafting limestone bricks and even the humble 'rock' are now available to F2P.
The Empowered Water Staff is now available to free players by dropping after defeating an Unholy Cursebearer in Dungeoneering.
A confirmation prompt has been added when clicking on the Upgrade button or a lodestone in a members area as a free player.
Bronze and iron nails are now available to F2P.
Saws are now F2P objects.
Bracelet moulds are now F2P objects.
The pestle and mortar, rake, seed dibber, gardening trowel, secateurs, rod clay mould, sextant and seedicide now correctly reflect their F2P status in the toolbelt.
Although it's inaccessible, the bottom section of the Shattered Worlds entrance in Lumbridge Swamp has been marked as F2P to better reflect the edge of the F2P area.
Death Plateau has been made a F2P area so it can be seen on the world map to aid navigation in the Death Plateau quest (although it requires 15 Agility so F2P cannot access the area).
The Odd Old Man is now visible in F2P for use in Missing, Presumed Death.
Hura's crossbow shop can now be accessed by F2P.
Strange fruit can now be eaten on free worlds, and can be obtained by defeating the Chaos Elemental.
F2P can now bury dragon bones for Prayer XP.
Looms can now be used by free players.
The strip of cloth used in Regicide (crafted from balls of wool) can now be spun on free worlds. The required Crafting level has been reduced from level 10 to level 1.
Corrected the following errors in the skill guide:
Cooking 34: Stop burning rabbit is now marked as F2P.
Herblore 9: Marrentill is now marked as P2P (as skill capped at 5 in F2P).
Defence 1: Added wooden shield, salve, protoleather and novite armour in Daemonheim, and soft leather armour.
Ranged 1: Tangle gum shortbow & longbow, novite arrows and protoleather equipment in Daemonheim.
Magic: Removed wizard, imphide, spidersilk, batwing, splitbark, mystic, grifolic shield from wand/orb/book entries, as shields only require Defence.
With the addition of Fletching to F2P, the maximum total level milestone message for F2P has increased from 1656 to 1750.
The Default loot beam option is now the initial option for new players.
Skills, D&Ds & Minigames

Added a 'Very Good' outcome to the blueprint discovery puzzle to better highlight progress. This sits in between 'Good' and 'Excellent' for both progress and XP payout.
Destroying prawn crackers while pulling them with another player will no longer try to keep using them.

Count check has moved back to the first level of the Stronghold of Security where he can reward players with sufficient security if they haven't already done so this year.
All Customer Support week clue scrolls and scroll boxes have been tidied up, but any caskets have been left for players to open when they are able.
Balthazaar and his raffle have now moved on.
The healing area at the Grand Exchange is now larger.
The area at the Grand Exchange that hides familiars is now smaller.
The Tuska Warpriest's armour effect now only works with 3 or more pieces equipped.
Changing the elite void armour colour will no longer replace keepsaked superior elite items with non-superior versions.
Some incorrect multiway combat area in the Lava Maze has been removed.
Fixed a client crash when the edit mode window header is placed over the ribbon.
Added the ability to map a keybind for the Achievement Tracker and Achievement Paths. These can be found under Windows and Navigation in the Controls settings.
Machetes are now correctly displayed in the toolbelt when selected.
Improved likelihood of receiving low chance components when auto-disassembling while logged in, to better match chances with regular disassembly.

Fixed an issue that was preventing keepsaked retro skillcapes from being activated.
Lau'ra's chathead now consistently animates while speaking to her.
Last Week's Hotfixes

02/10, 11:15 UTC: The lodestone interface now functions correctly with the actionbar both locked or unlocked.
02/10, 12:45 UTC: Unlocked the Defender of the Mind outfit for players that had it previously unlocked.
04/10, 13:55 UTC: Attempting to target a lodestone icon, such as via disassembly, no longer causes a disconnect.


*kilistelee tuoppeja*

The RuneScape Team


Katsotko live streameja? Et? Miksi? Tässä kuussa tuomme teille LootScapen, joka on uusi tapa saada mukavia esineitä pelissä katsomalla live streameja joka kuukausi.

Liitä RuneScape accountisi Twitch accountiisi ja katso jokin tiistain tai perjantain live streameistamme, jonka jälkeen saat ilmaista tavaraa!

Ensimmäinen ilmaistavara on Twitching Orb pet - jonka saat mistä tahansa tiistain tai perjantain live streamistamme lokakuun aikana. Pidä siis silmäsi avoinna ensi viikon suunnitelmia varten!

Voit liittää accountisi Twitchiin näiden ohjeiden avulla.

Live Streams this Week

Streamaamme joka viikko Developer Q&A:ta, in-game eventejä ja muuta. Katso streamejamme ja löydät täyden aikataulun Twitch kanavaltamme.

Pistäydy myös Youtube kanavallamme, josta löydät otoksia streameista, joita et välttämättä nähnyt, kuten RuneFestin tapahtumat molemmilta lavoilta.

Sunnuntai 15.10. - 22:00 SUomen aikaa – PvM with Mod Lee

Mod Lee järjestää PvM eventin!
possu 67
Vanhempi kartoittaja
Viestit: 2209
Liittynyt: 16.07.2008, 10:42
Klaani: Runepoli

Re: 09.10.17 - Free to Play Content Additions & NovtumberFest

ViestiKirjoittaja Nik0-91 » 12.10.2017, 09:39

Mukava bonus tuo fletchingin lisäys free pelaajille. Tuo melkoisesti lisää sisältöä peliin ja nyt f2p pelaajilla on enemmän rahanhankinta mahdollisuuksia. Näiden avulla heidän on helpompi hankkia bondeja ja päästä sillä tavalla membuksi. Lisäksi Dragonit tuo varmasti eloa wilduun, kun free pelaajille tulee korkealevelisempiä NPC:tä, joita tappaa. 8-)
Viestit: 2934
Liittynyt: 30.04.2008, 13:51
Paikkakunta: Hollola
RS -hahmo: Nik0

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