15.09.14 - Rune Value Improvements

Tänne kantautuvat nopeasti uutiset RuneScapen kehityksestä.

Valvojat: Uutistoimittajat, Uutisvastaavat

Ja tämä update on

Pouchit, titan, pure essua... Aivan, se äänestys, mahtava update on juu... teleportteja, agilet...
No kaipa tuota D&D:tä kokeilee/pelaa, mutta siihen se jääkin.
Hyi! Runecrafting D:<
Ääniä yhteensä : 21

15.09.14 - Rune Value Improvements

ViestiKirjoittaja possu 67 » 15.09.2014, 13:38

15.09.14 - Rune Value Improvements


Wizard Goldberg sallii nyt Rune Goldberg Machinen julkisen käytön tämän päivän päivityksessä, joka tekee runeista arvokkaampia - kuten te äänestitte.

Mene Runecrafting Guildiin aloittaaksesi tämän päivittäisen D&D:n. Ojennat erilaisia runejen kombinaatioita ja saat '
vastineeksi vis wax'iä, joka voi:

  • Pidentää aurojen aikaa tai resettaa cooldownin.
  • Nostaa divine location gathering limittiä.
  • Pidentää tai vaihtaa daily challengeja.

Olemme myös muuttaneet altar craftingiä niin, että poucheissa olevat essencet käytetään nyt automaattisesti inventoryn essencejen mukana.

Nostimme abyssal titanin ja lurkerin rune essencen kantokykyä ja lisäsimme niiden elinaikaa.


Rune Goldberg Machine - New Runecrafting D&D

Puhu Wizard Goldbergille saadaksesi nopean esittelyn hänen keksintönsä prototyypistä.

Saadaksesi päivittäisen annoksen vis wax'iä, sinun on täytettävä kone kolmella eri runetyypillä. Voit laittaa mitä vain runeja koneeseen - paitsi Armadyl runeja.

Runejen laittaminen eri paikkoihin antaa vaihtelevan määrän vis wax'iä, kun painat "combine" interfacesta. Tämä määrä muuttuu päivittäin, joten saatat haluta kokeilla ensin.


Voit kokeilla täyttämällä koneen kolmen eri runen kombinaatiolla ja näet kuinka paljon vis wax'iä saat. Voit tietenkin kokeilla uudestaa, mutta silloin tarvittavien runejen määrä kasvaa.

Jokaiseen paikkaan on päivittäin paras sopiva rune. Jokainen paikoista antaa myös tietyn määrän kokonaissummasta:

  • Paikka 1 on sama kaikille pelaajille ja antaa 30% kokonaissummasta.
  • Paikka 2 on yksi kolmesta mahdollisesta runesta ja antaa 30% kokonaissummasta.
  • Paikka 3 on sattumanvaraisesti ja pelaajakohtaisesti valittu rune, joka antaa 40% kokonaissummasta.

Kannattaa keskustella toisten pelaajien kanssa ensimmäisestä ja toisesta paikasta. Jakamalla tietosi autat sekä itseäsi että muita saamaan mahdollisimman paljon vis wax'iä kuin on suinkin mahdollista, pienellä hinnalla.


Vis Wax and its Many Uses

Vis wax on uskomaton aine, jolla on monta uniikkia käyttötapaa.

Klikkaa vis wax'iä inventoryssasi ja voit valita yhden kolmesta ominaisuudesta:


  • Pidennä toiminta-aikaa 50:llä tai 100%:lla. Yksi pidennys per cooldown.
  • Wisdom'ia ja Jack of Trades'ia ei voi pidentää, mutta ne voi resetoida kerran päivässä.
  • Festive, Enlightenment, Daemonheim, Oddball ja muut kosmeettiset aurat eivät saa bonuksia vis wax'sta.

  • Pyöräytä uusi challenge suoraan Challenges interfacesta. Sinulle tarjotaan toista challengea toisesta skillistä, mutta voit pysyä alkuperäisessä challengessasi, jos haluat. Jokaisen challengen voi pyöräyttää kerran.
  • Joitain challengeja voi myös pidentää - kaksinkertaistaen haasteen ja tuplaten palkinnon. Huomaa, että kaikki challenget eivät voi pidentyä.

  • Nosta daily gathering limittiäsi 50:llä tai 100%:lla.


Altar Running Improvements

Rune Goldberg Machinen lisäksi, olemme tehneet muutoksia altar runecraftingiin:

  • Essence, joka on poucheissa tai familiarilla, käytetään automaattisesti inventoryn mukana.
  • Abyssal titan ja lurker voivat nyt kantaa enemmän essenceä ja ne kestävät kauemmin.


Have Fun!

Teidän äänenne ja Goldbergin innovaatio on tehnyt Runecraftingistä käytännöllisemmän ja tuottavamman. Nauttikaa ja kertokaa foorumeilla mielipiteitä.

Mod Deg and the RuneScape Team


Muita uutisia...

  • Monet monstereista ovat menettäneet joko kaikki rune droppinsa tai menettäneet rune droppien kokoa, jotta altar runecraftingistä tulisi tuottoisampaa.
    Abyssal demon
    Bandos minions
    Bandos statues
    Black dragon
    Bladed muspah
    Blood reaver
    Blue dragon
    Brine rat
    Bronze dragon
    Celestial dragon
    Chaos dwarves
    Chaos Elemental
    Corporeal Beast
    Dagonhai Monks
    Dark wizards
    Desert strykewyrm
    Dust devil
    Earth Warrior
    Exiled kalphite queen
    Exiled kalphites
    Fire giant
    Flesh Crawlers
    Force muspah
    Greater demon
    Greater Demons
    Green Dragon
    Harpie bug swarm
    Hill giant
    Ice fiend
    Ice giant
    Ice strykewyrm
    Infernal Mage
    Jungle strykewyrm
    Kalphite Queen
    King Black Dragon
    K'ril Tsutsaroth
    Lesser demon
    Living rock creatures
    Mature grotworm
    Mithril dragon
    Moss giant
    Polypore creatures
    Queen Black Dragon
    Scarab mages
    Shadow warrior
    Skeletal Wyvern
    Throwing muspah
    Warped cockroach
  • Viisi uutta bank boosteria on saapunut Solomon's General Storeen.

Patch notes

15th September 2014


Golden godswords now have animated special attacks.
A graphical issue with the Artisan's bandana on female characters has been fixed.
A missing part of a statue in Varrock centre has been replaced.
A broken section of riverbank near the church of Saradomin in Lumbridge has been repaired.
The Sin Seer no longer has stretching issues.
The expert skillcapes have been updated on females to reduce clipping with their gear.
An animation issue has been corrected with worker cocoons that hatch during the Kalphite Queen fight.
A height issue with the obstacle pipe in the Yanille Agility dungeon has been fixed.
Some floating environment has been removed from the Burthorpe mines.
Stripy pirate shirts no longer causes graphical issues on arms with default clothing.
The Fishing cursor is no longer used when you try to lure the coshing volunteers/trainer in the Thieves’ guild.
A graphical issue with gloves and the waxed tunic/Fishing waxskin base clothing has been resolved.
Saro, Brendt and the White Mountain cart conductor no longer have stretched shadows.
The text in the chat box when typing in Legacy Mode has been moved up slightly so it does not conflict with the chat buttons.
The trade interface has been updated to use the correct interface skin.
The options selection in the emotes interface now uses the correct border style.
LoL’s rock throwing animation during The Mighty Fall quest has been corrected.

Skills, D&Ds & Minigames:

XP values provided by Void Knight Commendations have been improved.
Castle Wars barricades are now allowed on the bridges to the central island.
A display issue when filtering the list of ship parts in your port with earlier items that have not been purchased has been fixed.
The D&D tracker now shows correct the information regarding when players will be able to replay the Familiarisation activity.
The minimap icons whilst inside a Flash Powder Factory game are now correct.

Quests, Challenges and Achievements:

The positioning issues with the Mourning's End part 1 sheep painting device have been resolved.
The ring of Charos quiz interface in the quest Garden of Tranquility has been updated.
Players in Legacy mode can no longer be constantly blocked from attacking by Asphyxiate while fighting Ikadia, Echo of Jas or Dragon-hunter mage.
The Ardougne task "Brace yourself" may now be completed using the Totem pole's right-click ‘Recharge’ option.
Checking the health on a fruit tree in Herblore Habitat will no longer complete an incorrect task.


It is now possible to zoom in and out in Legacy Mode using the Page Up/Down keys.
The amount healed when using the Dream spell has been increased.
Vengeance will no longer trigger on 0/1 damage hits.
Being in a group will no longer hide other players' adrenaline bars.
Life points in Legacy mode now display correctly in the grouping system.
Players should no longer get spammed with notifications when the group leader changes to a new player when the old one has been logged out for over a minute.
Players can no longer be invited to a group during PvP situations via the grouping system.
Pulsing spiders will no longer get stuck in the phase 3 area during the Araxxi fight.
The ramp in path 2 of Araxxor will no longer delete itself if an acid spider spawn puddle lands on a specific area.
The blitzer ring effect in Dungeoneering now increases the minimum hit chance correctly.
The blazer ring effect in Dungeoneering no longer overrides a stronger Combust effect.
Split private chat will no longer be hidden while the player has an info box open in Legacy mode.
The requirements for Third-Age ranged armour in the Ranged Skill Advance Guide have been corrected.
A typo in the Stalker Notes (part 5) has been fixed.
An area at the Bull Ants in the Chaos Tunnels no longer traps players.
The ‘protect on death’ option has been removed from low level silverhawk boots meaning that all silverhawk boots are now sent to your gravestone on death.
A typo on the combat target information HUD when locking the NPC panel has been corrected.
The dragon halberd special attack now deals the correct amount of damage in PvP situations.
Players and nihil can no longer walk into a few tiles of wall in The Pit area of Freneskae.
Blocking has been added to a tile inside a hedge in the Tree Gnome Village maze.
Spam clicking the granite maul's special attack will no longer use 100% of your special attack bar/adrenaline when delivering just one special attack.
The Quick-chat option "I'd like the loan duration to be:.." now displays up to 72 hours.
Prayer bonus was added to the charged version of Armadyl helmet to match that of the original.
The Ghast familiar once again awards Prayer XP for participating in combat.
The message displaying the cost to harvest a Wishing well bush has been cut down to fit inside its borders.
Templar armour and crab claws can now be activated on a non-members world.
The wording when fishing in Dungeoneering has been edited to account for the toolbelt.
Killing a non-instanced version of Araxxi now tracks the kill properly.
The damage done by chaos dwogres is no longer reduced to 1 as opposed to 50% with Magic Deflect.
The XP tracker will now remember whether it was hidden or not when the player last logged out.
The ballista owner in Castle Wars will now be awarded ranged XP when attacking another player, instead of the victim being awarded the XP.

Ninja Fixes:

The Regenerate ability can now be queued during combat so that it will activate when combat has finished.
Players can now attach the respective hood to their Max, Completionist and Trimmed completionist capes.
Players can now purchase multiple Completionist capes.
Signs of the porter will now inform the player when their bank is full.
The phoenix feather's inventory icon has been flipped so the number is not on top of its yellow tip.
The colour orientation of the rainbow loot beam has been swapped so that it is portrayed in the same way as a real rainbow.
The click zone for radiant wisps has been improved.
Players will now be able to combine multiple spirit gems into one gem providing the combined gems are of the same type. The maximum number of charges that can be held by each type of gem still remains the same once they have been combined.
Cave crawler models have been updated.
Players can now choose to toggle the 'Player has logged in/out.' messages in the interface settings.
The timers on the beasts interface should now display correctly.
The String Jewellery spell will now work with Hydrix jewellery.
Players no longer need to have the sextant in their inventory when digging up clue scrolls that require it.
The overload animation has been updated.
possu 67
Vanhempi kartoittaja
Viestit: 2209
Liittynyt: 16.07.2008, 10:42
Klaani: Runepoli

Paluu Uutistoimisto


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